Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Contract

So BikiniBound suggested I read this sparkpeople article about creating a personal contract for yourself and your weight loss. So I did, and I read hers, and I really liked the idea. So here is mine.

My Contract for Weight Loss Success

I, Amy Sue Davis, hereby agree and commit to take the following steps to improve my accountability to myself and ensure my weight loss success:

1. I will not let one small slip-up convince me that I'm stupid or weak. I will not give up and continue eating unhealthy food just because of a bad choice. I will find positive ways to comfort and support myself when I’m having a hard time. I will stop and take time to understand why I am craving junk food and try to analyze it, move past it and make a better choice. Instead of berating myself, I will breathe, ground, and cleanse myself with a glass of water. I will re read this contract. I will re read my reasons for wanting to be thid and healthy and all the amazing things I will do when I am at my goal weight. I will check in with Brittany in order to get past the cravings or emotional state that makes me think I am hungry. I will drink water or chew a piece of gum. I will go for a walk or search online for clothes I will wear when I am at my goal weight.

2. I will not sacrifice my own needs to make other people happy, or do for them what they can and should be doing for themselves. When there is a conflict between my exercise and eating plans and what other people want me to do, I will negotiate to find a reasonable solution that allows me to do what I need to do for myself. This is NOT AN OPTION. Even if it means disappointing a friend, being late for an appointment or even making someone angry, I will not back down. I will put myself and my eating and exercise habits first.

3. I choose to be in charge of my own decisions and behavior. I will not talk, think, or act as if my cravings, TOM, or subconscious made me do it. I will ask myself what’s most important to me at that moment and make my decision. If I don’t like the consequences, I will try something different the next time. After I have made it to my goal weight, I will not just go right back to those old habits that packed on the pounds. I will always remember what it felt like to be 232 pounds and never go back there again.

So yes. I like it. I'm going to print it and carry it around with me. I also thought about taping a small piece of paper to my steering wheel in my car that says: "It's NOT AN OPTION!" which also has a pic of me at my worst, so that it's easier to say no to McDonald's or Burger King or Wendy's. It's right there in my face, harder to ignore. :)

I also wrote my own personal mantra:

I am no longer a slave to food. I live a healthy, balanced lifestyle and I weigh between 130-150 pounds. My arthritis doesn’t rule my life, and I no longer fear diabetes, heart disease or being wheelchair bound. I am free to be everything I know I can be.


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

You might also add, "I am successful."

Because you are, you know. Successful. Just writing that contract with yourself made you so. :)

Wishing you many, many more successes along the way!

Sunny said...

Sounds like you are off to a great start Amy. You can do this! I look forward to following your journey and seeing the wedding pictures this fall! Good Luck!